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CSS és fàcil d'aprendre

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Molt en desacord
En desacord
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CSS està evolucionant massa lentament

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En desacord
Molt d'acord

Una altra troballa garantida científicament: si compres la nostra samarreta incrementaràs el teu coneixement de JavaScript per sobre de 9000!

S'haurien d'evitar les classes d'utilitat (no semàntiques) (.center, .large-text, etc.)

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En desacord
Molt d'acord

Gaudeixo escrivint CSS

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Molt en desacord
En desacord
Molt d'acord
We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2021 Pick: CSS Noise

CSS generated texture and randomness makes for unique and interesting paint jobs in your design. Noise tools have made the technique accessible.

We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

Browser Incompatibilities

Are there any CSS features you have difficulties using because of differences between browsers?

CSS Pain Points

Which aspect of CSS do you struggle with the most? Results are ranked by number of tournament rounds won.

Round 1 wins
Round 2 wins
Round 3 wins

Features Missing From CSS

Which feature would you most like to be able to use in CSS today? Results are ranked by number of tournament rounds won.

Round 1 wins
Round 2 wins
Round 3 wins

Quina satisfacció sents sobre l'estat general de les tecnologies web?

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Quina satisfacció sents sobre l'estat general de CSS?

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