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CSS é semplice da imparare

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Sono fortemente in disaccordo
Sono in disaccordo
Concordo fortemente

CSS evolve troppo lentamente

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Sono in disaccordo
Concordo fortemente

Another guaranteed scientific finding: buying our t-shirt will increase your programming skills by over 9000!

Classi di utilità (non semantiche .center, .large-text, etc.) dovrebbero essere evitate

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Sono fortemente in disaccordo
Sono in disaccordo
Concordo fortemente

Mi piace scrivere CSS

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Sono in disaccordo
Concordo fortemente
We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2021 Pick: CSS Noise

CSS generated texture and randomness makes for unique and interesting paint jobs in your design. Noise tools have made the technique accessible.

We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

Browser Incompatibilities

Are there any CSS features you have difficulties using because of differences between browsers?

0.0501001502000.050100150200User CountCenteringcolor-contrast()color()Exclusionsprefers-reduced-dataProgressive Web AppsCSS RegionsresizeScopingContaindirectionFunctions:has SelectorParent Selectorblend-modeCSS content-visibili…pointer-eventsAnimationcalc()initial-letterMaskingMasonry LayoutMulti-Column Layoutoverscroll-behaviorPerspectiveaccent-colorPrint Support::markerAnimationsclampclip-pathCSS Logical Properti…object-fitForm Elements StylingBrowser Support@supportsCSS Houdinioverflowscroll-behaviorScroll Snapline-clampCSS position:sticky:focus-visibleCSS property: @conta…backdrop-filterScrollbar StylingFlexboxCSS property: aspect…Flexbox GapGrid151617172025304046535780114159

CSS Pain Points

Which aspect of CSS do you struggle with the most? Results are ranked by number of tournament rounds won.

Round 1 wins
Round 2 wins
Round 3 wins
0.02.0k4.0k6.0k8.0k10k12k0.02.0k4.0k6.0k8.0k10k12kUser CountScoping & SpecificityInteractionsPerformance IssuesLayout & PositioningResponsive DesignForm Elements StylingArchitecture & Maint…Browser Compatibility2393256224272608292033423955393789082111901130129517332456254081514791601

Features Missing From CSS

Which feature would you most like to be able to use in CSS today? Results are ranked by number of tournament rounds won.

Round 1 wins
Round 2 wins
Round 3 wins
0.02.0k4.0k6.0k8.0k10k0.02.0k4.0k6.0k8.0k10kUser CountColor FunctionsSubgridMixinsScopingNestingBrowser SupportParent SelectorContainer Queries1963189724892664330334413897391795111301658208223432366798133411781360

How happy are you with the general state of web technologies?

Customize Data
0%10%20%30%40%50%% of survey respondentsVery UnhappyUnhappyNeutralHappyVery HappyNo Answer0%10%20%30%40%50%0.6%0.6%3%3%12.9%12.9%50%50%9.4%9.4%24.1%24.1%

How happy are you with the general state of CSS?

Customize Data
0%10%20%30%40%50%% of survey respondentsVery UnhappyUnhappyNeutralHappyVery HappyNo Answer0%10%20%30%40%50%0.7%0.7%3.3%3.3%14%14%48.2%48.2%9.9%9.9%23.9%23.9%